I sleep talk. It’s a verifiable fact. My husband, who is the one who hears most of what I have to say in the middle of my rest, says it’s mostly coherent; but without context so it’s hard to know what I’m talking about most of the time. I also cry in my sleep. That can’t be helped I guess. There are so many things to cry about in this world, everything from my past to my present could be something to cry about. My husband says that’s the hardest thing to listen to while I’m sleeping. I wish I could say that when I got sober the crying stopped. It didn’t. What I can say is that the crying became less. My husband says it’s pretty rare now, which is a good thing right? There is also something else that has begun to happen. My husband says that maybe 6 months after I stopped drinking, I started laughing. Not just when I was awake either. I started to laugh in my sleep! I have even woke myself up laughing a couple of times. Which made me laugh harder. Laughing. Something I once rarely did is now almost all the time, more so when I’m awake but still some while I’m asleep. It’s one of the things that keeps me motivated to stay sober, because laughing feels so so good!
Bonnita SOBER DATE: 06/10/2023